If you watch my videos on YouTube, I just did a video on what repeated habits humanity always brings to the table this time of year.
Every year, people reflect on the year and everyone seems to see the exact same thing. People only see what they regret, resent, mourn, or hate about the year that just passed. I rarely see anyone actually celebrate the year with gratitude and love.
Life happens every day and it is always full of surprises both happy or sad. But humanity must have something or someone to blame, so they blame the calendar year every December. We thumb our nose at the calendar and bid it a bitter farewell, then wish and hope for a better new year to come.
But then what happens? The same time next year, we find ourselves repeating it all like a broken record. We complain about the horrors or the current year and bid it good riddance and run screaming into the next year just like the year before.
So why does this happen every year? There are several things that happen. First of all, we only see what we want to see. We look back and review the last 12 months and only see all the things we didn't want and didn't like. We see only our loss, sufferings, pain, sadness, trials and tribulations. We conveniently leave out the good things, all that we gained, all of the changes and growth that happened within us, and so much more. We don't look in the mirror and see the person we became today because of all we experienced in the last 12 months. We are habitually dissatisfied. Nothing ever makes us happy. Nothing ever is enough for us. We only see what we don't have, what we missed out on, what we didn't get enough of, etc..
We also didn't do anything to change our reality so that we could align ourselves with what we wanted. Instead, we did everything just as we always have and wondered why the new year has been just as disappointing as last year and the years before that.
It doesn't fall into our laps just because we demanded it at the end of the year.
2020 has greater things in store for us all. Yes,2019 was intense and more than usual. 2020 will not be any less intense. 2020 will hold us all more accountable than ever for our own success or lack thereof. There is greater success, prosperity, abundance, joy, happiness, and healing for us all.
Despite what the desperate and dying old paradigm is telling you on the news, there is plenty of money, success, love, change, goodness, miracles and abundance of all that we desire for everyone. They lie to keep us all in fear and intimidation so that we don't dare claim what is our birthright. We have choices to make starting right now in this moment. It's time to grow up. Change is here.
There are many who will never wake up in this life time. There are some who will wake up and fall back to sleep over and over in this life time. There are few who will wake up and by determination, trudge through the entire ascension process and rise up to the task. It's those ones this particular blog is for.
I only speak for myself, but I'm personally tired of the spiritual aesthetics, the photo shopped Instagram version of life that seems to keep us all in such a mass hypnotic state.
2020 will be a lot of work like we've never known before, whether we are awakening or not. Everyone is experiencing it in their own way. There will be plenty more disappointments, suffering, and sorrow in 2020, guaranteed. However, we can ease that greatly. We can actually align ourselves with that success, true love, more exciting adventures, healing, happiness, prosperity, and more of the like. It depends on what we choose to do about it. Are we willing to let go of all that no longer serves us? Are we willing to let go of all the familiar patterns? Are we willing to break that record that we keep playing over and over?
The song will never change if we always play the same one over and over. Our life/reality will never change for the better and those visions will never see the light of day if we stay in that old comfort zone where that same song plays on the record player over and over and over.
2020 has greater things for all of us. Are we all willing to just settle for yet another year of disappointment? Are we willing to settle for another year of the same old song?
If we truly want real change, we should be willing to rise up and change the way we are doing things in our lives. 2020 is a year of great change and a powerful shift. The old paradigm is long gone. Everything we think we know will be put to the test for sure.
Our comfort zones will be rocked like never before and many will feel more lost than ever if they resist the changes to come.
It doesn't have to be so challenging. It can be nothing but magic.
Enough of the aesthetic spirituality. Enough of the New Age sugar coated "love and light" games. It's time to wake up.
No one has to do anything. But none of us has room to complain as we chose to be right where we are. We aligned ourselves with our own disappointments. We are the sole creators of all that we experience.
If nothing else, wake up.
For a session with Rose: www.blueisisrose88.wixsite.com/quantumliving