There was a significant frequency shift this week and some huge new energies have risen.
We've shifted direction and now we are heading into new scenarios as unexpected events begin to occur. If we thought we were going one direction, we are in for a surprise as the Universe will have its way and show us that this isn't about our ego, and the universe definitely doesn't evolve around our ego.
While some will love the plot twists, others will fight it tooth and nail turning to the favored spiritual community leaders and theorists groups, etc., to tell them what they want to hear or believe.
The in-fighting has yet to see itself at its worst and we as a collective have yet to hit rock bottom ego-wise. We are so blinded by what we WANT to believe and by what we want to hold onto. We want to be right more than want to genuinely and authentically awaken into true pure unfiltered consciousness. We feel the need to be on a team or club of other followers that need to be told what to think or believe, more than stand strong on our own and observe the clear and pure truth per our deepest and most direct connections to Source. Nothing is as it seems and many will not realize it until it's too late and we won't have the time to delete all those nasty posts or posts that supported the illusions.
I have to agree with someone who said earlier that this time of exposure of all the bad deeds that many bad people or groups of people are not happening because of one person or persons that are designated by groups or communities who are in favor of them. That's giving way too much credit to people who aren't the real source of what started it. The reason all these things are being exposed and brought to the light is because WE are the ones that are shedding that light. It is OUR collective light and love. Not some selected favorites of small groups or people with way too much influence and power over our state of mind. WE are the ones. This woman was right on when she said this.
WE are the ones shifting this energy. It always starts with us. We are also the ones feeding the fuel to the fires that shouldn't have ever been started. But we fan the flames and here we are.
No prophets, psychics, no spiritual gurus, spiritual teachers, theorists, etc., etc., should be taking advantage of the collective psyche pushing their personal agenda for power, fame, and notoriety by pushing their illusions on people and shame on them for doing so.
We're better than this and we really don't have room to complain when we are the ones feeding it our energy. It is our energy expanding it and blowing it all way out of proportion. We are the ones that have created these metaphoric monsters. No one else. The ones we blame are only providing the fuel and matches, we do the rest all by ourselves.
Instead of looking outside of ourselves and pointing fingers out there, we should be looking in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are a true embodiment of real love when we post our outrage towards each other calling each other names, labeling each other according to who agrees or disagrees with us, cursing people we don't even know, etc..
Ask if that is what love really is. Ask if that is what the light really is.
This shift will set every one of us straight and we won't have the time to delete every post on social media that just came back to bite us in the @rse.
We're out of time and Source (in a matter of speaking) is out of patience with us.
We've been acting like a bunch of little entitled two year olds fighting with each other and throwing tantrums. We've lost any integrity we had left and for what? Absolutely nothing. No one is worth our energy if they lead us to feel so compelled to hate one another. No one and nothing is worth the dirt and muck on our shoes if they lead us to hate our brothers and sisters lead us to believe they are unworthy and inferior.
We're casting our pearls among swine. ALL of us.