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Writer's pictureRose Ferrachi

Chaos & Exposure By Divine Deliberate Design

Right now, huge age old issues are being brought to the surface to be faced and dealt with.

I've seen some posts of complaints about how some are tired of it and they just want to go back to the quiet comfort zones where they don't have to see any of this stuff going on anymore.

This is the great shift. This is 2020....20/20.

The year of clear vision. The veils are gone. The undertone of hate, separation, division, cult programming (that especially includes political beliefs), and more of the like, are all exposed. The dis-ease is on the surface of the body for all to see and face, whether we like it or not.

God/Source/Universe is not playing games anymore. This is being forced on the table for us to deal with. Our collective energy created this.

It won't be going away anytime soon.

The collective all over this earth is at unrest. The collective is awakening and these younger generations were not born to conform to the old paradigm and programming. They were born (and are being born) to rise up and end eons of the human programs, as they are changing the DNA codes within us all. Those recently arriving, and those yet to arrive are coming in with the new DNA codes, the mindfulness of who they are, and their purpose, as opposed to us all who came here with amnesia.

The world as we knew it is forever gone. Some of us have been telling you this was happening.

We become the change by embodying what we preach. But instead we are preaching one thing and doing just the opposite. We are our own worst enemy. Until we get our own heads out of our bums, it is up to the younger generations to do the work, which isn't fair to them. They are basically cleaning up our mess, so-to-speak.

Claiming to be Spiritually enlightened then posting hateful things, calling other humans political derogatory names and blaming them for what is happening is clear ignorance. We are the pot calling the kettle black.

We are still part of the problem if we find ourselves blaming "repubs or libtards" for what is going on. We are just as hateful and racists as those "right/left extremeists" if we have to hate and bash each other and point the Finger at each other for the state that our country/world is in. We are still no better for it.

This uprise and chaos was inevitable as part of this great shift and awakening. It has to come up. It has to be dealt with. It isn't other people's problems. It's all of ours. This is all happening by Divine deliberate design. The political leaders (ALL of them, not just one side or the other) and humans are the tools used to activate the uprise and chaos. You can't heal an ancient old hereditary generational sickness and dis-ease by ignoring it or thinking that if you haven't shown any signs of it in your life, then it doesn't need dealing with. It doesn't get healed on it's own. What is happening is only the tip of the iceberg of what we are being forced to face and deal with. Our discomfort and triggers are tell tale signs of what we need to face and heal personally. Pay attention to what all of this triggers within you. Our reaction is our message from our higher version self of what we need look in the mirror. It's not just the actions of those we oppose. It's a resistance within us that goes deeper than just being pissed off at what's happening.

Let's go deeper. Example: So we have come to believe cancer runs in our family and for generations we've seen many family members succumb to the dis-ease. But we don't live the unhealthy lifestyle of smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy processed junk foods, we exercise, eat clean, meditate, do yoga, live a spiritually enlightened life, and on and on. So we denounce that generational cancer and believe we will never get it because it is not in our belief system. But to our surprise it surfaces in our body anyway despite that we did all the "right things". Or, it surfaces in our children and we can't understand how that happened because we picked a partner who also "did the right things" and we can't figure out how this happened.

It takes more than that to clear something that runs so deep in our energetic ancestral history and DNA. Regardless of how we did not carry on those old generational traits from before us, WE ALL still need to purge it.

This isn't just 3rd Dimensional issues. This is deep rooted energy that we must all clear within us.

Look deeper. Be willing to look in the mirror instead of out there. We are all being stirred by Divine Deliberate Design.

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