This great change, this great awakening we have all been experiencing over the last several years or recently has been quite the challenge in ways we never imagined.
We've been in survival mode since we've begun our awakening. We've experienced our comfort zones being rocked on a consistent basis, leaving us all with no place to hide, if you will.
All of what was deemed 'normal' life has gone away from many people and they find daily life a struggle in one way or another as their awakening process has changed life as we all know it. Nothing is as it was. Though this sounds like doom and gloom, it really isn't. This is a great event happening with us. We came here to awaken and expand in consciousness, awareness, and remember who and what we truly are as souls.
Somewhere along the line, we did lose ourselves in the ascension process and we stopped living. Many of us have gone different directions with our new paths. Many people have made the decision to detach and remove themselves from the rest of the world going off the grid, or selling their homes, cars, etc., to live a more minimalist life and more. There is nothing wrong at all with any of this, as there is a feeling of detachment from the world when we become more aware and mindful to our surroundings.
The more we become more conscious of things of this world and of ourselves, the more like an alien we begin to feel in this world. The more we begin to feel like we don't belong, the more we go within and delve deep in searching for answers, and for some logic to all we are going through so that we can make sense of it all. It all continues to accelerate and amplify the more time goes by. We can't throw in the towel and go back to sleep, nor can we get back to 'normal', whatever that was in the first place. It has been an intense ride and while some people have embraced the journey and have made it the most amazing experience, even with the darkest of times. Meanwhile others haven't fared well at all.
All in all, most, if not all of us have forgotten how to live. I've observed that most, if not all of us, who have been going through this whole ascension process, have lost ourselves and have forgotten how to live. There is a realization that many of us have forgotten the last time we actually genuinely laughed with friends, genuinely smiled and had a good time. Many of us have forgotten what it is like to enjoy the simple things in life. Many people have given up many things that have made them work harder than they should to maintain a life of pleasure or small luxuries like a large home, multiple cars, or lots of electronic toys, etc., only to begin a new life of working extra hard in other ways like simply maintaining personal sanity or finding balance to survive another day of intense conscious living or living a life of resistance as some become more of a conspiracy theorist. In some ways it seems like it was better or not so bad working ungodly hours just to maintain a certain lifestyle. There was still some enjoyment and living happening, whereas now it it seems like we live a more inconsistent life of constant searching and trying to figure ourselves and our purpose out.
Part of some of those experiences was to learn to detach of all we THOUGHT we knew according to programming and belief systems. For the most part, many felt the need to detach from society and the rest of the world to work on this.
This is perfectly ok. But for those who have been awakened for awhile, perhaps it is time to start living again. We don't need to go back to the old ways but now is the time to stop more unnecessary suffering in the name of consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, spirituality, ascension, transcendence, and whatever else we call it. If we continue in this suffering, we have lost the entire point of awakening in the first place.
We are leaving a nine year era of this phase of hard shifting and deep shadow work. We will continue to evolve, shift, clear and release, but now we need to start breathing again. We need to go back to genuine joy, happiness, fun, play, and more. This too is part of our ascension process but we've lost it in the last few years. It's not easy or fun waking up and becoming a conscious being but we've cause more of our own suffering to it than what is probably necessary.
One of the biggest problems we encounter is that we can't let go of the shadow work, the questions, dissecting and analyzing everything to the extreme, searching for the answers and meaning of all this, and trying to make logical sense of it all. We are distracted to the extreme. The ego mind has owned us more than we like to admit. We've driven ourselves into a state of misery with it all. We stopped all genuine laughing, smiling, having fun, and just BEing. Most of us are more miserable now than we've ever been, even before we began our awakening. I have observed many people saying they were much happier and at peace before they awakened. I believe them. We've tried too hard. We've delved too deep into our own self made abyss. We've made this ascension process harder than it really should be. Instead of finding the path of least resistance, we've done just the opposite. We are in more resistance than ever. We've become our own worst enemy.
So we've awakened, we realize we've been programmed into belief systems for eons of generations, we've been lied to, enslaved, and the list goes on. We are now more aware, we now see through the veils and we understand the truth in a whole new way. We have deeper insight, awareness, and understanding of this world and ourselves. It doesn't mean we go into another set of self-made programming and belief systems of conspiracy theories, and fear porn. It simply means we are in the position of rediscovering how amazing and stunning this world really is. We should be discovering and rediscovering the world that has been hidden from us for so long. We should be rediscovering how phenomenal and amazing WE really are. We miss what is really out there, what is surrounding us and what is within us when all we do is focus on the shadow work, analyzing, dissecting, and whatever else we become distracted by in this ascension process.
Let's find our way back to living again. Let's let LIFE flow through us again. Leave the distractions. Let them go. If you have been awakening for quite some time and you STILL have questions, triggers, misery, resistance, fear, etc.....then you won't get find what you are looking for in the now. It obviously hasn't been working well for you. This ascension process is always going to be there. It's the new normal but we don't have to let it own us anymore. There is so much to discover and rediscover in this new world. There is so much magic to create and experience. There is so much living to do. Enough with the driving ourselves insane and going off the rails. We've done this long enough, now it's time to get a grip of our reality and rise above it and take charge. Take back the reins and BE all that we have been waiting for. BE that change. Become that vision. Let's experience our great awakening and ascension the way it was truly meant to be experienced.
Truly wake up and arrive!