Hello and welcome to my new website! I wanted to start my new blog with what has been happening lately with my family and friends in the Spiritual community outside of the organized religious institutions. First of all, this is not about bashing the religious communities. I grew up in the Pentecostal churches and I've seen and experienced a lot. It wasn't all negative as I have many wonderful memories. Growing up in the church was a crucial part of my spiritual growth and in who I am today. When I finally chose to leave the church, I had many many good reasons but that is just what it was. I left the organized religious institution. I brought God and Jesus with me. I never left God. I love God with all of my might and I don't go a day without connecting and communicating with God all day long. God had nothing to do with why I left the institution. It was the people and the God they were trying to preach and teach. That God is not the God I know in my heart. I will go into this story another time. Also I do want to acknowledge that not all the people I grew up knowing in the church were "bad" or unkind, judgmental, etc., as there are some out there that are genuine, loving, authentic and amazing people.
Today I want to talk about religious people attacking my friends and family who are what the world would call "New Age". I hate the titles as they mean nothing to me and they are only used by the world to categorize, divide and separate us all into different groups. Also there is nothing "New" about what these people and myself are doing today. The old ways simply do not work anymore like they used to. I'm speaking of my friends who practice and teach Yoga, meditation, enlightenment, intuitive readers, spiritual teachers/mentors/coaches, teachers and students of laws of attraction, and many other holistic health practices that teach and encourage the support of Mind, Body, and Spirit. It's a time of a great awakening and remembering that is leading us to re-connection with ourselves and Spirit. It is a time of becoming whole again and stepping up in our own truth, no longer allowing ourselves to be manipulated by outside sources that have programmed belief systems into us to keep us separated, divided and in fear. This has been going on for eons but now is the time to become aware and mindful of who we are and how powerful we are as well as the birthright we have to have access to success, love, healing, abundance, prosperity, whole health, and more.
But despite great awakening and awareness that is happening right now, there are still many who are still holding on to the old ways and there is still a spiritual war going on. It has always been going on but there seems to be a renewed animosity as the religious are viciously attacking and harassing those who are considered New Age, Witches, Devil Worshipers, etc.. Normally in my little corner of the world, people keep their opinions to themselves and judge quietly, however that hasn't been the case as of late. Lately, there have been confrontations and harassment which has saddened me greatly. The most moving thing I've witnessed is how my friends have responded to these others attacking them, Instead of getting defensive and striking back, they have responded in the confrontations with kindness and love. Then after the confrontations, they have asked God to surround those people with love. This was the biggest testimony of God and His love than I'd ever seen out any church or from any religious person.
These things have inspired me to be a better version of me and to be more mindful and aware of my own vibration and frequency. More now than ever I strive to not only be better than I was this morning when I work up, but to leave people (no matter who they are, what they believe, what language they speak, their culture, etc.) better than when I first met them. Everyone deserves to be accepted and loved. We have no right to make anyone feel inferior because of our belief systems and opinions. To each his/her own. I choose not to stoop to such low levels and impose myself on anyone just because they are different from me. I honor everyone and their chosen life path. I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I'm not here to force anyone to change their minds and start believing what I do. I'm not here to condemn and judge anyone for what they choose for themselves and their own life path.
I am here to be the embodiment of the Unity, Consciousness, Love, Light, and Whole Healing. If I'm to teach these things in my work, than I must become it and BE all the things I proclaim out loud in the work I do. We all must practice what we preach. We cannot preach the love of God and under the same breath, curse our neighbor who does yoga or likes crystals and sage. We as the Wayshowers cannot preach love and light and "Namasté" everyone around us and under the same breath, curse religious people or people who don't eat the way we do or hug trees, etc.. We need to be consistent with what we proclaim to believe every chance we get.
We only feed the old paradigm and we inspire no one and we remain in that same dense vibration aligning ourselves with those old timelines. There is no growth and expansion there and we are not doing the Universe any good except slowing down the process for the whole collective consciousness. We remain the blind leading the blind and the awakening process slows down and people become stagnant and therefore just opt to go back to sleep. We all have a strong influence and affect on the collective consciousness.
Be mindful of how we present ourselves to the world and how genuine and authentic we are on our journey. It isn't just about what we present to the world, but how we navigate our own personal path. We are the first and the number one recipient of our own actions. We are the first to feel the brick walls, stagnant voids, backlash, cause and effect of our own actions. We are a vibrational match to whatever frequency and vibration we are in. If we are constantly contradicting ourselves, we will align ourselves with the same like energy and experiences. We hurt ourselves more than we hurt others. We do ourselves no favors in joining the bandwagon of entitlement, superiority, and righteousness. We only become just like them with different titles and key word language. There are people seriously looking for authenticity and are not finding it in the church, nor are they finding it in the holistic spiritual community. I've been told by some clients that they have not seen any difference and that really made me thing and observe myself more than ever. If we are to stand out and shine our light, we better make sure our lanterns aren't dirty and stained with smoke.
Thank you for taking the time out to check out my new website. There is more to come as it is to be announced. I'm also working on my new book! AND I'm working on some more new things that I can't wait to bring to you in the new future. I'm changing some things and the way I do some things. It's time to activate some things that have been in the dormant stage for far too long.
We are all in this together.
Much love to you!