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Writer's pictureRose Ferrachi

Mass Hypnosis of a Mass Cult

It's disheartening to see the growing mass hypnosis when there so much to awaken to. Oh, how much we miss. 💔 To each their own, but remove yourselves from my reality of your own volition and go your way please. Don't use the poor defense of "unconditional love accepts all", because that is a lame excuse to be the extreme. I don't mind a difference in reality, but I do mind the extreme insults to those you disagree with. In my reality, that is unacceptable. That is hard core hatred and division and using it in the name of your god or spirituality is not acceptable in my reality.

We've hit an all time low when we use religion, spirituality, or Constitutional rights to validate our extreme hatred and violent verbal or physical treatment of anyone who isn't on the same side that we have chosen or of our same ego opinions.

Many say your cult leaders are "chosen ones" and indeed they are. They have been chosen to divide, conquer, and test us in regard to our will to choose to think for ourselves and stand for the truth of our true divine beingness, and see them for what they are, stand in real unity in full awareness of who and what we really are outside this dense flesh suit. This is what cults are made of.

Our true soul self is not of any religion or political party. We are all from the same Source who all chose to incarnate here. So many conspiracy theorists talk about Illuminati, elitists, dark forces, etc., keeping us enslaved, feeding off of us, etc., all while it's happening with the very ones cloaked as their favorite leaders, preachers, politicians, etc... It's an oxymoron reality we've chosen. We warn each other of the wolves in sheep's clothing while we embrace the wolf in sheep's clothing and sing their praises. We've lost any little bit of integrity we may have had left when we chose to pick sides and hate one another like never before and to the extremes. It's a shame and a great waste of of our purpose here. There are such great things we can do together, but we choose to lower our vibration and let that entity drain us of our life force for its own benefit and we can't see it . 💔

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