Yesterday and today I've had some serious back pain as well as pain everywhere else. No, it's not attributed to the common physical pain I usually experience and it definitely isn't attributed to something else going around these recent days that everyone is talking about. When the frequencies stir up like this, the physical body reacts to it. I said a few days back when the schumann frequencies were very low key, that it was like the calm before the storm. I also said that wasn't necessarily a bad thing and this isn't quite dramatic as a storm but we are shifting again and I hope everyone is doing their part and changing some things up!
I said before that this is the time to take advantage of these shifting frequencies by using our own creative abilities, and doing that inner work.
We're bouncing around different dimensional timelines as well. Literally, no one is on the same page right now.
We are being faced with our own stuff and there really isn't much to compare to with others right now. More wake up calls are on the way as we all are being shown what we need to do individually. At the same time different layered waves of awakening are happening to all of us and SOME of those who still slumber. There's a lot happening simultaneously & it causes a lot of panic, chaos, and confusion, but all we really need to do is focus on our own stuff at the moment. The rest goes a lot smoother with greater insightful understanding if we just do our one job for this brief moment. Pay attention!
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