While the Schumann has been in blackout mode, we are increasingly integrating as another layer of awakening sends us for another tail spin.
Our main challenges are of our own making as the ego mind has the run of the house, keeping us in fear, confusion, and a lot of anxiety. Instead of recognizing it for what it is and willingly doing the appropriate work for our highest good, we go into resistance mode and fight everything with all of our might. We fight to keep the old ways that no longer serve our highest good and stay in the old familiar ways, no matter how much we've suffered to them. Or we fight out of fear of the lies & illusions we choose to believe.
This sends us crashing and burning, making more chaos and anxiety.
I'll say this loosely (don't take this literally), but in general, we suffer because we want to. That old spiritual Stockholm Syndrome never goes away as long as we insist on staying there & holding on it for dear life.
There is something greater happening and it's ok to trust the process. It really does bring greater things to our realities. It lightens the load, brings true growth and enlightenment, and we then we ask questions like, "how did I not see this all the long? Why did I stay there for so long?" You don't know healing or blessings until you allow yourself to receive it. You don't know true freedom, until you drop the chains that you put on yourself. How will you ever realize your vision unless you open your heart & mind willingly, to receive it. It takes willingness on our part to make true progress.
For a session:
( www.blueisisrose88.wixsite.com/quantumliving )
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