Everything is out on the table. Nothing is hidden anymore as humans can't even pretend or hide their unhealed traumas, wounds, fears, mental/emotional illness, anxieties, or any imbalanced energy they may hold. Sure, humans have always been toxic one way or another, but in the past, it was still generally suppressed by most for various reasons. Now there aren't any reasons to hide or suppress anything as we have shifted into that time of deconstruction of this old paradigm. Wounds and illness can't be healed or treated if it's suppressed & ignored. It's not a pretty sight, and can be seriously overwhelming, exhausting, and a lot to take in for the average observer. It seems humanity is spiraling out of control and has legitimately lost their ever living mind. It IS depleting, concerning, disheartening, and overwhelming to say the least. Especially for those who are extra sensitive to the energies of it all. It's draining and can overwhelm even the best of us.
Please see past the physical reality and see beyond it without influence or manipulation of the ego ruled world, and yes, I will go ahead and say it, the compromised Spiritual community.
We've got to look past our noses, set aside our ego and its wannabe expert opinions according to what we've been told on the internet, tv, influencers, etc.. and actually have the audacity to unite and work together to shift this paradigm. The deconstruction is happening for every single one of us as we are ALL deconstructing old programs & belief systems, not just them/they who disagree with us. If we are thinking we are "right" and everyone else is "wrong", we'll be hit the hardest.
Our own deconstruction is just as much out on the table as the rest of himanity.
( www.blueisisrose88.wixsite.com/quantumliving )
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