I hope everyone has their seatbelts on! I've said too many times in my videos, sessions and blogs that we are in for some major changes and rollercoaster rides. No one really listens to me. I'm not one of the new age gurus that has an ungodly number of followers and big bank account that gets anyone to actually listen to what I say. I'm half joking of course.
But for the three of you that do listen, there is so much more to come. The timelines are going to feel like they are simultaneously combusting as they merge. There is a lot of unsolicited manipulation happening in the realms and for the millionth time, please watch out for some of those people who only mean to feed on your energy and keep you asleep. If you find yourself amongst the divided and separated, fighting your neighbors, family, and people you don't know for the cause of leaders that keep you in the dark of what they do behind the curtain, then I implore you to take a step back and re-assess all that you have absorbed and taken in and what frequency you have found yourself in time and time again.
This whole spiritual shift and movement is not about division, separation, hate and superiority of any kind. It is about going straight back to Source. It's about the true Divine Love that has no hatred, judgment, separation, or anything to do with the ego and its need to be superior to anyone that disagrees with it. If you find yourself in a constant state of stress and anxiety over the things that are happening in the 3rd dimensional timelines, this is why. That fear mongering in these timelines is meant to keep us in such lower vibrational states of fear, therefore separating and dividing us amongst each other. This is the energy used to keep us asleep, oppressed, and programmed.
Right now, it is very crucial for all of us to wake up and be in observance of all that is happening. WE are the ones we have been waiting for and it is not the job of any outside source to shift us into the new paradigm and begin the golden age. Those outside sources are determined to keep us here in the old world and have no good intensions for us, no matter how much we want them to be the good ones. If they make us angry and hateful against each other, then they are not "the ones". The true ones are us. The true heroes are the ones who don't take sides but work hard to unite us all.
There are some outside sources that parade as humans on this planet that are using their power to manipulate the frequencies and timelines. This is where we need to really pay attention to our own personal realities. Don't delve in the lower frequencies and go into panic or fear mode. We are meant to rise up and anchor our Light, raise these frequencies, hold space for this shift and for the highest good of the collective consciousness. We aren't here to participate in the worldly rhetoric. WE ARE IN THE WORLD, BUT NOT OF IT. Read that again and again until it registers. So many people misinterpret that sentence to an extreme. People tend to use that as part of their programming. Religious people and all people who are part of any dogmatic organizations tend to believe this is their claim to superiority and entitlement, hence the wars and division amongst the people in the world today. The real meaning of that sentence is for those who are truly awakening and aware of what is happening in this world from the higher perspectives. This is about the ending of the world as we know it. It's about the purging of everything we THINK we know; this includes shedding our ego and our need to be right or superior. It is about letting go of all we have been programmed to believe, stop listening to those outside sources who tell us what to believe, who to hate, and who to pay our allegiance to. It is about real genuine unity and oneness. We are here to remember who we all are and that we are all here to end the karmic cycles and the entity that has kept that hamster's wheel turning for eons. This is the ending of that old, tired cycle. What we are living through in this dense 3rd dimension is not working anymore and it is now in a desperate place right now where it will not stop at anything to maintain control and keep us all asleep and enslaved to it to stay in power.
This is the greater paradigm shift manifesting in the physical in real time. There is something greater going on and we are all caught up in the middle of it.
The greater shift is happening as we speak. Look beyond what is immediately withing our sight. We are spiritual beings. We are SOULS. This is a human AND spiritual experience. There is so much more truth to things in this world that we are missing out on because we only believe what man has told us to believe. Over the centuries, there have been so many wagging tongues programming us, dividing us, and keeping us from remembering how powerful, sovereign, and limitless we are, just so they can keep their power and control over us and this earth. In case you haven't noticed in the last decade or so, Gaia is shifting as well. Gaia is purging the old timelines, the dense frequencies, and all that is no longer serving her, whether it is manipulated by man or not, Gaia takes care of herself and will utilize this to suit her own needs right now. This whole event is happening with or without us. You don't have to be awakened at all. Every human being is shifting with these intense frequencies.
I'm not a famous spiritual influencer, spiritualist, or spiritual teacher/guide, nor do I want to be.
I do my utmost best to continue my own awakening, shifting, purging, deconstructing and all the inner work that comes with this ascension process. I'm simply sharing what I've been observing via my own experiences and what I observe by watching the world around me from a detached point of view.
No one has to do anything they don't want to, but I know there are some out there asking a lot more questions than ever before, after being aware and awakened for quite a while and having been in quiet observation of everything going on around them.
If you are one of those who've been really observing and deliberately sitting outside all the chaos and confusion, then know you are not alone. We are the ones who will be doing a lot of the unseen work. Staying out of the chaos going on and doing our work in unison with each other will open the gateways for us to expand our consciousness and receive the intuitive understanding of all that is happening and activate our remembering of who we really are and our part in all of this. This is where the light shines on our path so that we know exactly what to do when the alignment is right. We won't have ALL the answers at once, but we will gain a deeper intuitive understanding and insight that will fill us with the courage, strength as well as connect us to each other, unite and lead us to higher ground.
Trust Source. Trust what is happening in the spirit realms. Trust that we didn't come this far just to come this far. We are in the right place at the right time no matter how dim it all looks right now.
It helps to discuss this. So many of us have been keeping it to ourselves because there is literally no one to talk to. We are surrounded by many who have no clue what is happening as they are caught up in the 3rd dimensional timelines.
Stay in observance, deconstruct the need to get caught up and feed your energy to it all. If it can't feed off of us, then it can't stop this shift.
You are loved. You are not alone.
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