My art work is starting to look so fabulous, I had to surround her with friends.
There are countless layers of awakening that we go through in life (if one chooses to awaken). It doesn't happen just once and that's it. There is a great deal of choices to unlearn, dismantle, and deconstruct from all the programming over the centuries. One of the biggest challenges (if not THE biggest) is to trust our own intuitive guidance within without outside influences. We've been conditioned to be dependent on what we are told or taught as truth, so we continuously seek outside sources to tell us what to believe. It's just easier to let someone else tell us what to believe than to learn to reconnect directly to Source and our own intuitive abilities. This is where the untainted and purest form of truth is. It gives us higher perspective and a deeper knowing that cannot be diluted by human ego interpretations/opinions.
It's not easy, but it's worth it and most valuable to the ascension process, as well as the expansion and growth. It catapults us into those higher frequencies that we have only been talked about or imagined. We remember everything we've long forgotten before we came here and we shift into a completely new experience.
How serious are we about this awakening & ascension? How badly do we want more than this mundane merry-go-round?
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