Tonight the veils are gone and the stars in the sky are crystal clear for the first time in a long time. I haven't seen them for quite a while despite the over cast nights. It is another part of some heavy contact, connection, shifts, and synchronicities that have been happening recently. This week, visitations have occurred and we are on the brink of a quantum break through. Wake up and rise up. The signs are here, things are happening now, and we've been ignoring them as we let illusionary distractions keep us under mass hypnosis and disconnected from TRUE Source and our own consciousness, as well as our birthright. So many (too many) are still allowing themselves to be played in the game to keep us in the dark and separated via false fears and illusionary baseless hatred among other things being programmed into the collective. Yes, everyone is on their own paths and many may have chosen to not awaken, yadda, yadda, yadda. This is the first thing that is said every time this is brought up and it is truth to a point, but it is not "fate" anymore. As of now, we can change our life contracts here. We now have choice to change the original plan. The excuse of "yadda, yadda, yadda" is vastly becoming cliché. From what I've received (and I know others who've received the same or similar information/messages, as there have been a lot of new connections being made recently), the excuses aren't viable for the majority of the collective anymore. We're basically being called to wake up and get off our butts as the game is OVER. What seems as a dark time that we've entered recently is the shift in what is going on behind the surface. Dark times ARE upon us if you are stuck in the lower frequencies. While some feel it's the darkest of times, some think it's the best of times due to the deep state of hypnosis they are in. This is the separation of us as we are turned against one another in this moment. A completely different story is happening in the higher frequencies and realms. False spiritual leaders/teachers and guides (even in the enlightened community are telling us what they want us to hear to keep the illusions alive in our programming, leading us astray from real truth. Everything we THINK we know isn't so. We are being given new choices. The excuses, the original contracts, are null & void now as we are now fully responsible for what is happening here on this planet right in this moment. No religion/church, no political leaders, no gurus, not all the selfies or new age lingo or spiritual practices are going to save us or get us out of the world's current predicament. Only us. WE are the only ones and it requires us to wake TF UP, let down our ego and all that we THINK we know, our opinions, our cult programming, and allow our REAL truths to unite us so that we can get to work. The golden age is here but so many of us are missing out and losing out for we have chosen to settle and sell out. Open your eyes so you can see. Open your ears so you can hear. Open your heart so you can KNOW and remember!