We're in a time where we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Everyone is suddenly an expert on politics, health, climate, food diets, etc , and/or every little thing gets politicized. I mean EVERY THING.
We can't eat what we want because someone out there always has to shame someone for what they eat or don't eat.
No one can choose to get a shot or not get a shot, or where a mask or don't where a mask, because everyone is unhappy and angry about both sides of the subjects & must shame people about what ever they choose to do or not do, because either way it's bad.
No one can enjoy (publically) any entertainment because EVERY actor or musician is a pedo or on the wrong side of politics.
EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is apparently of a dark force, except those saying everything is of a dark force.
We can't freakin win for losing, no matter what. We aren't free. We've never been free. Because we take that so called freedom away from each other.
Sure, everything has its major problematic issues. It always has. It all has ALWAYS been there. But all of this hateful mongering online has gone WAY overboard and way too far, and guess what? It isn't "them or they" doing it to us. WE are doing it to ourselves. (This is where we hold the mirror up to our faces)
We take each others rights and freedoms away from each other every day all by ourselves by shaming others for doing or not doing something we disagree with (because our ego what it had been told by outside sourced, is always right).
It's those few who seriously go overboard with their beliefs and the way they choose to express or act on it that get the rules or privileges changed and taken away for the rest of us.
We are like little kids who can't play nice or have nice things because some have to ruin it for everyone.
Give a kid a bat to play ball (because it's a privilege and right), and that kid takes that privilege claiming it's his right to use that bat the way he wants to because it's rightfully his. Then he goes and starts bashing the other kids, that he doesn't like, in the head because he can...it's his bat and he has the right to use it however he wants. The other kids fight back & there's a brawl. The bat gets taken away and ALL the kids get punished, no matter who started it. Then everyone cries that it isn't fair and go into victim mode. I know this is a stupid metaphor, but this is exactly what we do yourselves everyday.
The internet and social media have LONG been a tool to incite hatred and division (and many take it too far by starting things up and cause great harm and danger on many different levels) when it should have been forum for connection with friends and loved ones whom we'd never get to keep in touch with otherwise, due to living long distances from each other. It should be a fun platform to meet and make new friends and connections globally. To expand our education, learning, and knowledge, of this vast world of limitless things, cultures, and people that we otherwise would never know existed.
We have limitless opportunities to do GREAT GREAT things with this, but instead, we use these privileges and opportunities to joi or create our own platforms to shame, belittle, dehumanize, and even destroy each other in some way or another. We blame outside sources like politicians, news media, social media, etc. for all these things but WE ARE all of those sources because WE give them our time and attention, and then we turn on each other with whatever they feed us.
We are the tools digging our own graves and we're also the laughing stock. All "they" do is throw the bones in the pit and sit back and watch us all do the rest of their dirty work for them.
There will never be real "freedom" or peace as long as we keep fighting each other in a war we are inciting all on our own.