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Writer's pictureRose Ferrachi

We Have Shifted Into New Horizons

If you have been experiencing some huge challenges that have been more excruciating than usual, you are not alone. We have been shifting in ways like never before as of late.

The collective is shifting into higher states of consciousness that has us entering into new heights of deeper awareness that has us tapping into parts of our consciousness that we didn't even know existed.

It is like going to the gym or to physical therapy and being forced to start using muscles that we didn't know we had. It can be excruciating as this is a more expansive awakening of more aspects of ourselves that we didn't realize was still in deep slumber. We are always evolving and expanding and our awakening continues. We are never fully awakened as we would like to believe. There will always be a shift that will have us stretching and moving in ways we didn't know was possible. There are so many aspects of our true self that we have not discovered yet. This great awakening is more than becoming more mindful and aware. It's more than being a more conscious eater, meditator, zen master, or yoga lover. Those are just some of the good basics of what we apply to our daily life to assist us on our paths, but sometimes we lose our present momentum and get into a comfort zone of believing this is all there is to a more enlightened way of living. No one says this is wrong. To each his/her own. But for those who are on the constant search for higher states of consciousness for long term goals and visions, then this will clearly not be a comfort zone or a place you may choose to settle for.

No one ever said this great awakening we are experiencing would be fun and bliss. This isn't all Instagram esthetics and glamour. There is deep inner shadow work that comes to the surface on a consistent basis. We are always evolving and going through the endless layers of timelines to clear and release.

What the hell does this even mean? Well, for the sake of not talking riddles or giving 'cryptic messages' as one person said out of frustration about all Spiritual Teachers/Mentors/Healers, and more of the like, I will be as clear as I can be on this.

Long long story short: Since 2012 (and even before), there has been a great awakening that has happened in waves across this planet. People suddenly becoming more acutely aware of themselves and their surroundings in between the physical and spiritual/energetic worlds. Everything that made sense before, suddenly doesn't make any sense at all. Nothing seems to have logical sense as it once did. People are more unsettled and restless. The mundane daily routines seems to not be good enough and we no longer feel satisfied with the repeating patterns of living a life of slaving to society to make a living, raise families and die.

We now realize there is so much more to all of this and now all of our senses, our thoughts, emotions, and life experiences seem more amplified beyond understanding. There seems to be more confusion and questions than ever. Sleeping, eating, and other normal functions are out of whack and we can't seem to function properly. As the years have passed, it seems life has been one big huge roller coaster that never ends.

As we become more aware and go into higher states of consciousness, part of what happens is all of our issues, triggers, fears, traumas, pain, etc., come to the surface to be worked through, healed and released from our current timelines. To do this is to clear karmic patterns and ties so that we can continue to rise in higher states of consciousness and remember who and what we are. This is the new reality we are all facing whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. As we anchor a new paradigm, our old comfort zones are constantly being rocked and will never be the same.

This is the time to remember who and what we are. We have always been more than this human flesh suit. There has always been more to this world that what is on the surface. You don't have to accept this. It doesn't meant you are wrong or right. It is simply what you choose to believe and therefore this is your reality. Regardless, there are changes in everyone's lives that cannot be ignored. We're all shifting whether we like it or not. Whether we accept it or not. The challenges will grown more intense and amplified, regardless to get our attention.

As we notice the world around us getting more disturbing and chaotic, remember that it has always been this way. The veils are just gone now. We are all now privy to seeing what we were blinded to for eons. This is what being awakened means. We now are more aware of what is happening around us and we can no longer go back into our deep slumber and back into our 'ignorance is bliss' mode. Truth is now in our faces.

We can absolutely live a good life in the midst of all this. We are are now more capable of creating a full life of all the things we've ever imagined or envisioned for ourselves. Nothing is off limits! We are limitless beings.

We now can reach far beyond our limited imagination and dreams. Just be willing to do what you need to do for your highest good. We are more empowered than ever and the rest of what we THINK of as being our obstacles and roadblocks are just disposable extras in our story.

It's time to create YOU. It's time to create and tell the story you want to live and tell. What will the story you are metaphorically writing be about? How will those after us remember us? What kind of inspiration or legacy will we leave for those who follow the path of the future after us? What kind of world will we leave them? We are ascension pioneers in this world now. The old world has ended as we know it. We are what we have been waiting for. We were born for such a time as this!

Rise up!

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