In pursuit of change and happiness, there is always the point where we face ourselves and our reality. We know it's time for change and we think we are more than ready for it but we are not willing to make the choices required. We are comfortable in our patterns and cycles that keep us stuck in our own misery. We don't want to consciously let go of what no longer serves us and we continue the patterns, then we wonder why we are in another round of the same sh*t different day scenario. There is plenty of opportunity for happiness, adventure, healing, love, success, etc..
We must be willing to do some work. Call it lazy, fearful, insecure, apprehensive, stubborn, prideful, or resistant. Resistance is the result regardless of what we call it. We simply don't want to see what we judge within ourselves. We don't want to admit we are human and have inner work to do. We don't want to give up all that we know, no matter how miserable and unhappy it makes us. Ego will resist to keep us in check. The ego is not the enemy, but it definitely owns us and no matter how much we think we are in control, balance, high vibration, we still forget that this human experience is a constant work and ever changing journey. Heaven forbid any Counselors, Therapists, Spiritual Leaders/Teachers, Spiritual Guides/Mentors, Life Coaches, etc., admit that they are in the constant flow of inner work themselves. Some of the most troubled & challenged bear those titles to their name and work.
This isn't about picking on leaders. I'm merely using us as an example. Every human being is in resistance to some extent. We cry for healing, peace, balance, happiness, joy, love, abundance, success, and on and on, but we want it instantly. This is one of the things we will not receive instantly in this day and age of technology where we are now spoiled by instant gratification. This is manual work we will always have to endure. We can take all the pills we want, photo shop all the selfies we want, Live feed our daily activities all we want, but it will not fool Source/God/Universe at all. The "Fake it till you make it" mentality will not bring us the authentic enlightenment we long for.
Let's be willing to face all that we are and use the deeper insight and wisdom within to understand why we are the way we are and work to heal, clear and put closure to those patterns and cycles that we are repeating over and over. We must be willing to be present and leave what no longer serves us behind once and for all.
Metaphorically speaking, leave that old lover behind and move on without them. Take what you learned from all the heartache, pain, disappointment, chaos, betrayal, suffering, etc.. You have out grown them and are no longer that person. You have gained wisdom and new sense of self. You know more of what you want and what you don't want. There something much better waiting for you if you are willing to rise to that new standard for yourself. Honor yourself and know your worth. These patterns keep us in a lower frequency that keeps us in slavery only eating the crumbs from the table of our patterns and cycles that relentlessly blocks us from our birthright.
We are no longer in the old paradigm where our fates are handed to us by our upbringing, schools, society, cultures, faiths, religions, or any other kind of belief system and programming. We are now in a new paradigm where we are now being handed back the reigns of our own path. This is OUR story to tell now. Gone are the days where we are told who and what we are. Gone are the days where others tell our stories for us and we blindly just go through the motions. We can now live a life by our own deliberate creative design. Live it with passion and love for this life, your life.
We are the only ones who have what it takes to live a life we love with passion and excitement. It requires some deep house cleaning and sacrifice. There are new things awaiting but we have a choice of making those changes to make room the new and then we can create a new story that we love to tell. ❤❤❤ www.blueisisrose88.wixsite.com/quantumliving 😘🧚♂️🧚♀️🧜♂️🧜♀️🧞♂️🧞♀️🧝♂️🧝♀️ #consciousness #awakening #mindfulness #tarot #oracle #thegoodtarot#universe #matrix #choices #comfortzones